

The Great Flood and future predictions

By Rev’d Dave Walker, Commercial Director Did you know that the earliest recorded flood is that of the Great Flood detailed in Christian Bibles, Torah and the Quran? I was, therefore, amused when our channel partner in Turkey, AYKOME, informed […]

Improving resilience in Amp7

‘Resilience’ and the delivery of ‘resilient’ water and wastewater services is one of the key words when it comes to preparing for AMP7 and resilience is a word that we’ve used for many years here at Detectronic. It’s always been […]

What is a Flow and load survey

Flow and load surveys can be implemented across a number of different industries and processes but are predominantly required by companies operating in the chemical & pharmaceutical and food & drink sectors. What is a flow and load survey? The […]

Chlorine in water

Water chlorination,  is widely used across the globe to kill off harmful bacteria in drinking water. Prior to putting chlorine in water, diseases such as cholera and typhoid were easily spread. Chlorine, is the most widely used disinfectant for drinking […]


Neil Butler has joined monitoring specialists, Detectronic, specifically to lead telemetry business development for the company. Accumulating 34 years’ experience with a leading UK-based technology group, Neil has international telemetry, software and channel partner development knowledge working with global clients […]

New Channel Partner in Turkey

Aykome to represent UK monitoring specialist in Turkey Lancashire-based monitoring specialists, Detectronic, have signed Aykome as their new channel partner in Turkey. Founded in 2014, Aykome is an engineering firm specialising in infrastructure projects. The company has particular expertise in […]

Supporting Sedgemoor Council

Flow monitoring project to deliver telemetry and log water levels As part of its ongoing programme to prevent flooding and surcharging of manhole chambers, Sedgemoor District Council has commissioned Detectronic to deliver a level monitoring telemetry project across a variety […]

New Cranswick Foods case study

Take a look at our latest case study from Cranswick Foods, which showcases a Detectronic monitor that exceeded its lifecycle expectancy by 10 years. The engineer was so impressed with the new ORAKEL system that he placed an order for […]

Are you compliant?

If you’re a manufacturer, be it of cars, sausages, beer or paracetamol, irrespective of what you manufacture you will almost certainly be producing trade effluent. what is trade effluent? Trade effluent is classed as any effluent produced from a process […]

Knowledge Base

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Als Entwicker und Hersteller sind wir Spezialisten wenn es um die Inbetriebnahme von Durchflußmessgeräten geht. Wir bei Detectronic bieten ein breites Spectrum an Durchflußmessgeräten und Lösungen für alle Anwendungen. Mit all unseren Produkte und Dienstleistungen können so maßgeschneiderte Lösungen finden.
