MCERTS Monitoring

Any daily flow exceeding 50m3 will need to be be monitored by MCERTS flow monitoring equipment.

MCERTS Monitoring

MCERTS is the Monitoring Certification Scheme of the Environment Agencies of England and Wales. Providing the framework for businesses and water companies to meet quality requirements, compliance with MCERTS gives the Environment Agency confidence in the monitoring of emissions and/or discharges into the environment.

MCERTS covers the standards of performance that any monitoring equipment you purchase and install must meet, the level your staff must be qualified to and the accrediting laboratories and on-site inspections in line with European and international standards.

Any daily flow exceeding 50m3 will need to be be monitored by flow monitoring equipment. That equipment must reach the MCERTS standard, but the Environment Agency will not stipulate which specific monitoring system you must implement, rather it refers to the overall ‘performance’ of the system.

If your permit states that you must monitor the flow of liquid waste, your arrangements to monitor flow will need to be independently assessed against the MCERTS minimum requirements standard. This assessment will always be carried out by an MCERTS inspector. For example, where the fundamental requirement for the flow monitoring is to measure the total daily volume of treated effluent discharged to the receiving water, then the flow monitoring system must be capable of measuring the total daily volume with an uncertainty of no more than 8%.

Pass forward flows

One of the PR19 drivers, the Environment Agency has issued is measuring compliance with pass forward flow (PFF) to wastewater treatment works (WwTW). The driver requires wastewater treatment works to provide MCERTS flow measurement and Event Duration Monitors (EDM). The aim of the driver is to prevent premature discharges from storm tanks and thus reduce the amount of discharges from storm tanks into the receiving waters.


  • Record the operation of the WwTW overflow that limits the flow passed for full treatment.
  • Overflow may discharge to storm tanks, off-line storage, on-line storage or direct to the environment.
  • Record overflow operation/discharge start and end times and report along with flow data to demonstrate compliance with PFF


  • USE MCERTS flow monitoring to record overflow PFF within +/- 8% combined uncertainty.
  • Where practical existing flow monitor’s can be used.
  • Sign off from MCERTS inspector

The MSFM MCERTS flow meter is ideal for monitoring pass forward flows. It doesn’t require mains power, so is versatile in its placement within the network. With telemetry added, data can be transmitted to our data centre where it will be screened and analysed. Where changes to flow rates breach pre-determined limits or there are anomalies in the data, the data technician will notify the site engineers.

  • Measures velocity, depth and temperature
  • Suitable for high temperatures
  • Battery powered portability
  • Real time monitoring and analytics

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